JATI- Interna UI Juli 2009

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Film Komedi Naikkan Aliran Darah ke Jantung

Tertawa itu sehat. Mungkin pepatah ini ada benarnya. Sebuah laporan yang dirilis Selasa (17/01/06) menyebutkan nonton film komedi bisa meningkatkan aliran darah ke jantung, sebaliknya nonton film sedih akan membuat aliran darah berkurang.

Para peneliti dari Universitas Maryland merekrut 20 anak muda untuk menonton beberapa potongan film yang berdurasi antara 15 hingga 30 menit, yang diambil dari film-film komedi dan film-film serius, dengan jarak sedikitnya 48 jam antara kedua sesi.

Dengan bantuan alat ultrasonografi, para responden diukur aliran darahnya melalui pembuluh darah tangan yang terletak antara bahu dan siku.

Aliran darah berkurang pada 14 dari 20 sukarelawan ketika mereka menyaksikan petikan film seperti adegan menyedihkan dan penuh penderitaan dalam film berlatar belakang perang SAVING PRIVATE RYAN.

Sebaliknya aliran darah meningkat pada 19 dari 20 responden saat mereka menyaksikan adegan film komedi dalam film drama komedi THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT MARY.

Pengkajian yang dimuat dalam jurnal Jantung tersebut mencatat perbedaan antara kedua aliran darah itu lebih dari 50 persen. Menonton film sedih memiliki dampak yang sama pada aliran darah ke jantung seperti saat kita berhitung di luar kepala. Sementara menonton film komedi sebanding saat kita melakukan kegiatan aerobik atau memulai terapi dengan obat-obatan anti-kolesterol.

Rasa depresi, cemas, permusuhan dan amarah memang diketahui bisa merintangi aliran asam oksida yang membantu pembuluh darah untuk membesar.

Sementara para periset juga menyebutkan kemungkinan efek berlawanan pada hormon tertentu yang ditimbulkan saat kita menahan tawa.

Emosi positif seperti tertawa gembira memiliki dampak yang menguntungkan pada endothelium, yaitu sel-sel yang melapisi dinding sistem sirkulasi darah.

Disarikan dari situs www.ikabisurgeon.com

Inilah buku bagus yang patut dibaca..... Pengalaman seorang residen bedah.... Pengakuan bahwa ilmu kedokteran itu aneh dan kadang merisaukan

Kelompok diskusi tutoriall smt 8 FK UGM, inilah diskusi tutorial kita... InsyaAllah bisa Wisuda bareng :)

Foto situasi di akhir diskusi

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Abstrak Penelitian Skripsi-ku :)

Hubungan Paparan Iklan Rokok Dengan Perilaku Merokok Pada Siswa SMA di Kota Yogyakarta

a. Agus Jati Sunggoro, b. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, c. Toto Sudargo
a.Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran UGM
b.Dosen Pasca Sarjana Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Kedokteran UGM
c.Dosen Program Gizi Kesehatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM


Latar Belakang: Penyakit jantung koroner, kanker paru, bronchitis kronik, emfisema, dan gangguan kesehatan reproduksi dapat menjadi akibat dari merokok. Berbagai survei yang dilakukan di Indonesia menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah perokok di usia muda. Dipihak lain, iklan rokok kian marak di berbagai media. Bertambahnya jumlah perokok di usia muda dan meningkatnya paparan iklan rokok perlu mendapatkan perhatian. Oleh karena itu perlu diteliti hubungan antara tingkat paparan iklan rokok dengan perilaku merokok.

Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan paparan iklan rokok dengan perilaku merokok pada siswa SMA di Kota Yogyakarta.

Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif (kuantitatif), dengan rancangan cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA di Kota Yogyakarta. Sampel penelitian berasal dari 4 SMA di kota Yogyakarta yang telah dipilih secara acak. Responden berjumlah 148 siswa. Untuk membandingkan variabel psikologis antar perokok dilakukan uji dengan analisis of varians. Asosiasi paparan iklan rokok dan perilaku merokok dianalisis dengan chi square, sementara determinan perilaku merokok dianalisis dengan regresi logistik.

Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara paparan iklan rokok dengan perilaku merokok siswa SMA di Kota Yogyakarta (p=0,000). Insidensi perokok pada pria lebih tinggi daripada yang ditemukan pada wanita. Proporsi perokok pria coba-coba dan regular adalah sama, yaitu 28,3%, sementara pada wanita masing-masing 16,8% dan 3,2%. Perilaku merokok berhubungan dengan adanya teman yang merokok. Jenis kelamin dan kecenderungan untuk merokok merupakan determinan yang penting dari perilaku merokok.

Kesimpulan: Paparan iklan rokok memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap perilaku merokok siswa SMA di Kota Yogyakarta. Program pencegahan merokok yang efektif harus diambil untuk mengatasi pengaruh paparan iklan rokok pada remaja.

Kata Kunci: perilaku merokok, iklan rokok, cross sectional, siswa SMA, Yogyakarta


Background: Several conditions such as coronary hearth disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and reproductive health problem are related to smoking. Many surveys in Indonesia showed the increase of smokers in young people. In other hand, cigarette advertisement has been increased. The increase of smokers in young age and the increase of cigarette advertisement should be considered. Therefore, we examine the relationship between cigarette advertising exposure and smoking behavior.

Objective: This study examine the relationship between cigarette advertising exposure and smoking behavior among students of senior high school in Yogyakarta.

Methods: This research was descriptive study that used cross sectional design, and it was located in Yogyakarta city. This study was conducted in 4 senior high school in Yogyakarta, that randomly selected. The subject of this research were senior high school students. The sample of this research was 148 respondents. ANOVA test used to compare psychological variable among smokers. Chi square was used to examine the association between cigarette advertising exposure and smoking behavior. Logistic regression was used to examine the determinants of smoking behavior.

Result: There was a significant relationship between cigarette advertising exposure and smoking behavior among students of senior high school in Yogyakarta (p=0,000). The incidence of smoking in male was higher than in female. 28,3 percent of male students and 16,8 of female students percent were experimental smokers. Twenty eight point three percent of male students and 3,2 percent of female students were regular smokers. Friends smoking had a significant relationship with smoking behavior of students. Sex and tendency to smoke were the significant determinant of smoking.

Conclusion: Cigarette advertising exposure influence smoking behavior among students of senior high school in Yogyakarta significantly. Effective smoking prevention programs should be taken to overcome the influence of cigarette advertisement exposure in adolescent.

Keywords: smoking behavior, cigarette advertisement, cross sectional study, senior high school students, Yogyakarta

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

PPOK (Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronis) / COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease))

Pengantar by JATI : Tadi ada kuliah pulmonologi tentang COPD, nah ini ada sekilas tulisan tentang COPD yang aq ambil dari CMDT 2006 :)

COPD is a disease state characterized by the presence of airflow obstruction due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema; the airflow obstruction is generally progressive, may be accompanied by airway hyperreactivity, and may be partially reversible (American Thoracic Society).

Most patients with COPD have features of both emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is a clinical diagnosis defined by excessive secretion of bronchial mucus and is manifested by daily productive cough for 3 months or more in at least 2 consecutive years. Emphysema is a pathologic diagnosis that denotes abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole, with destruction of their walls and without obvious fibrosis.

Cigarette smoking is clearly the most important cause of COPD. It is estimated that 80% of patients seen for COPD have significant exposure to tobacco smoke. The remaining 20% frequently have a combination of exposures to environmental tobacco smoke, occupational dusts and chemicals, and indoor air pollution from biomass fuel used for cooking and heating in poorly ventilated buildings. Outdoor air pollution, airway infection, familial factors, and allergy have also been implicated in chronic bronchitis, and hereditary factors (deficiency of alfa1 antiprotease) have been implicated in COPD.
The pathogenesis of emphysema may involve excessive lysis of elastin and other structural proteins in the lung matrix by elastase and other proteases derived from lung neutrophils, macrophages, and mononuclear cells. Atopy and the tendency for bronchoconstriction to develop in response to nonspecific airway stimuli may be important risks for COPD.

Symptoms and Signs

Patients with COPD characteristically present in the fifth or sixth decade of life complaining of excessive cough, sputum production, and shortness of breath. Symptoms have often been present for 10 years or more. Dyspnea is noted initially only on heavy exertion, but as the condition progresses it occurs with mild activity. In severe disease, dyspnea occurs at rest. A hallmark of COPD is frequent exacerbations of illness that result in absence from work and eventual disability. Pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, and chronic respiratory failure characterize the late stage of COPD. Death usually occurs during an exacerbation of illness in association with acute respiratory failure.

Clinical findings may be completely absent early in the course of COPD. As the disease progresses, two symptom patterns tend to emerge, historically referred to as "pink puffers" and "blue bloaters". These patterns have been thought to represent pure forms of emphysema and bronchitis, respectively, but this is a simplification of the anatomy and pathophysiology. Most COPD patients have pathologic evidence of both disorders, and their clinical course may reflect other factors such as central control of ventilation and concomitant sleep-disordered breathing.

Type A: Pink Puffer (Emphysema Predominant) : Major complaint is dyspnea, often severe, usually presenting after age 50. Cough is rare, with scant clear, mucoid sputum. Patients are thin, with recent weight loss common. They appear uncomfortable, with evident use of accessory muscles of respiration. Chest is very quiet without adventitious sounds. No peripheral edema.
Type B: Blue Bloater (Bronchitis Predominant) : Major complaint is chronic cough, productive of mucopurulent sputum, with frequent exacerbations due to chest infections. Often presents in late 30s and 40s. Dyspnea usually mild, though patients may note limitations to exercise. Patients frequently overweight and cyanotic but seem comfortable at rest. Peripheral edema is common. Chest is noisy, with rhonchi invariably present; wheezes are common.